Wednesday, January 13, 2010


humm..LATELY aku rs serabut..serabut ngn ape??donno..but i felt so confuse..adakah ini sindrom nak dtg bulan??
nak marah ngan sume org disekeliling n akan mudah serabut ngn sume benda?

Firstly i get mad with maxis broadband!!aku dh ilang sabar ngan die...sbb every month i hav to spent bout RM78++ to use it!! n LATELY,maxis dah gile tahap babun!!kalu nk surf internet time mlm,jagan harap!! i hav to wait until 2 am br bleh gune..kalu x,die xde signal!!OHHH,mmg dh ilang sabar wif this stuff..

n LATELY, aku selalu je sakit kepala..donno why..huhu..kalu kejap2 tkpe,ni bpanjangan..huhu..what happened wif me?? hopefully its nothing..

n LATELY i filll like wanna get my own car or any transportation..tolongggg..dah xsanggup nk jalan kaki jauh2,berebut naik bus..huhuhuhu..

n LATELY jg aku telah dibebani oleh byk assigment..a lot of work nk kene settle..huhuhuhu... ;(

humm k la..kite continue next time lak..daaaa


SoPEX da SPiKY said...

hi there..whats wrong dgn ur maxis broadband?i gune maxis jgk, tp xde la probs smpi cm2..i pay more or less like ur amount too, but puas hati la pakai coz i can download unlimited..smpi x tau nk download ape dh..and i never have problem regarding the signal..slalunye smooth je..hmmm..u must refer back to maxis la..rugi je nti.

Anonymous said...

kak nurul,my new blog ag,rilek2 je k! =)